The full beard look:

The goatee:

And my least favorite--the handlebar mustache. For this one, I decided Danny needed some props. So out came the doo rag. He had it on with his button-down work shirt, and I told him that was a look from "What Not to Wear." So he put on a white t-shirt. And it was, shall I say, just right.

Don't you just love this look! Apparently the guys at his job site loved it, too. Someone said he looked "gay"--and then I admitted that he did look a lot like my dad's gay cousin, who also sports a handle bar mustache. (disclaimer--Danny does not think this is funny.) So, when it was time to get ready for the mustache look I suggested he wear his cowboy hat--for the Marlboro Man effect. But Danny said he just couldn't believe anything I said anymore. I just don't think he was willing to risk any "Brokeback Mountain" comments. So he went without the hat.

I think a mustache looks like a giant hairy caterpillar.
At least on handlebar day, he didn't end up looking like this . . .

And finally...Baby Face day arrived! This is the face we all know and love.

By the way, it is true. I can't be trusted.
bertie bird