I've always driven a stick shift. Driving is just boring the other way. Especially in a powerful muscle car. Plus, it keeps my husband out of the car...he says driving a stick is too much work. The real reason is that he's not as good at it as I am!
After driving around in a dixie cup with wheels for a week, I can say without abandon...I LOVE MY CAR!

I love the heaviness of it. I love the feel of the leather wrapped steering wheel. I love the power. I love the way it goes "nah..naaaah...naaaah" when I take off. Show me a Hybrid that can do that!
I've always melted for muscle cars, don't know why. One of my favs is the '69 Camero.

Here is the 2006 Mustang GT...love of my life..

Yes, I am a lucky girl! If you see someone driving a Mustang GT like a grandma, it's probably me. Hubby says I've gotten more mileage out of my tires than any Mustang owner ever.
Happy Trails, and remember...
Real Chicks Drive Sticks!
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