What is Straseni time? You may be wondering, why do I have a Straseni time clock widget on my blog?
Well, Straseni is a village in the country of Moldova. The Straseni orphanage (state run school) is where Lena (L-eh-na) lives. Lena is my sponsored Moldovan child. Her mother died 5 years ago, and her father is working in another village and unable to care for her and her younger brother (Petru) and sister (Maria). I put a time widget on my blog, so I can quickly check the time in her part of the world.
God put a call on my heart to sponsor Lena through Justice and Mercy International. JMI is based here in Franklin, and I have many friends who serve on the board and attend mission trips to Moldova each year to minister to the kids.
The sponsorship allows Lena and I to write to each other, and for her basic needs to be supplied. Things like warm boots, a coat, toothbrush, underwear and socks are provided for the kids who are sponsored through JMI. Lena is only a couple months younger than Richard, but she is in the 9th grade and she will graduate this June. She plans to attend a school to become a professional tailor when she graduates from the state-run school.
I believe God put her in my life so I may help advocate for her as she prepares to leave the orphanage and live an independent life. Moldova is a place where there are many injustices to women, young girls, and even boys. The statistics say that 80% of girls who leave the state-run schools end up in human trafficking situations or in prostitution. The work of JMI is to help these kids have a chance to form a life of their own. The kids need to know that on the other side of abandonment, there is hope! Someone cares enough about them to write to them and to help them.
One of the first things Lena let me know was that she needs a winter jacket. The sponsored kids got winter coats last year, but she was not sponsored then, so she did not get a coat. This is a huge need for the kids there. Many times the heat inside the buildings is not good. Now that I am sponsoring her, my support will be used to provide for these kinds of needs that she has. JMI will take her shopping for a jacket.
Please pray for Lena, that the people in her life will be good people who will not harm her.
Lena's younger brother, I know, does not have a sponsor. His name is Petru (Petrica). He is 11 years old. He is one of many children longing for someone to sponsor them. It is a good thing, but it does require a monthly commitment and a commitment to be attentive in writing a couple times a month to your child.
If you are interested in learning more about JMI visit their web site. www.justiceandmercy.org or click on the title of this post and it will take you to the JMI site.
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