Friday, July 4, 2008

Barn babies update

The cat got one of the baby birds. I can see one left in the nest, but I think it is dead, I have to get up there and look. The other two are gone, don't know if they made it or not.

I guess I did the right thing to leave them alone and let nature take it's course. Maybe the parents will pick a safer place next time to raise their family.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Living with Arthur

My rheumatologist started me on Methatrexate and it seems to be helping but will take 3 months to know for sure...then she might increase the dose. Methatrexate is a cancer drug that is also used in lower doses to treat rheumatoid arthritis. It is toxic to the kidneys and liver, and can make your hair thin out. I haven't had any bad side effects so far.

There does not seem to be any rhyme or reason to my "flare ups"...I can have several good days, then have a couple bad days and don't know why. My fingers and toes go numb sometimes, even when I am awake. It's frustrating. I am researching foods that are bad to eat for arthritis patients. Basically, it's just about everything I do eat. No sugar. No refined carbs. (bread/pasta, crackers, cereal) No wheat. No corn. No fats. No dairy. No beef.
I can eat rice, fresh fish, veggies and fruit. Sounds like I'm gonna have to learn to like fish and learn how to cook it. If you have any good recipes let me know.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Tree Swallow help needed

Thanks to all who have responded for my call for help. I have learned the best thing to do is leave them alone. They will mature quickly and will be out of the nest soon!